Zelle or Venmo Fauto to reserve your spot.
Zelle phone is 646-262-2186 or email fausvs@gmail.com.
Venmo code @Fausto-Vazquez-1
The Afternoon Practica with Richard Ariza
Every Saturday @ our Studio
2pm to 4:30pm $15 ( Non students $20)
DJ: Richard Ariza
All levels welcome
Triangulo's Afternoon Milonga
Host Carina Moeller and DJ: Richard Ariza
Location : 88 Essex Street Market Upper Mezzanine
Free Intro to Tango at 4:30pm ( on the side, no interruption of the Milonga)
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, March 2
Sunday, April 13
Sunday, May 18
Sunday, June 8
Sunday, September 14
Sunday, October 12
Sunday, November 9
What is an Argentine tango practica?
A tango experience between a lesson and a milonga (social dance)
A place to practice the skills you already have, to ask questions and receive advice.
Open to all skill levels. Everyone is welcome.
A relaxed atmosphere - milonga etiquette is relaxed too.
A supportive and friendly place to learn. Carina will be there to help you with any questions.
What to wear?
A practica is informal - dress comfortably.
To make the most of your lessons, attend the practica. Practicing what you learned in the lesson will speed up your progress significantly.
Host Carina is available for guidance in the practica. We will show and work on a step during intermission
The practica gives you an opportunity to meet other dancers.
Who will I dance with?
You don't need a partner to attend. Vaccinations required. Mask optional.
Dancers may change partners or work together only.
If you want to bring your partner and not change that is ok too
What to expect?
Traditional tango & vals, occasional milongas and some non traditional music and well as some Tango Nuevo.
The ronda (line of dance) rule should be respected. Please move to the centre of the floor if you wish to work in place.
Unlike a milonga, it is okay to stop and discuss what is and isn't working - to the limits of your partner.
We will do a 10 minute brake in between and work on a little sequence either shown by a student or teacher (Carlos Gavito Style)